No nanny? No problem.

A few years ago, there aren’t as many available fitness programs targeted at new mothers. Sure, there’s always been postnatal yoga but how exactly can you practice in peace when you have a newborn in tow? As an expat, I didn’t have the support of family members and I was just too embarrassed to ask for assistance from friends whom I haven’t known for very long. It also didn’t help that I have major trust issues and wouldn’t let my wee one be out of my sight with anyone for any amount of time. As you might imagine, I literally did everything with my baby in a carrier strapped to me or alternatively, plopped in his bucket seat that was always within arm’s reach when the Baby Bjorn proved to be impractical, e.g. while showering or cooking.

Having gained a lot of weight during my pregnancy owing to hypervigilance (worthy of its own blogpost in the future) I searched far and wide for a class that will allow me to bring my little boy with me but there weren’t any such classes at the time. Even now, Mum & Baby fitness classes are still not as accessible and mostly just relegates the baby into a passive presence in the room.  This is why I’m quite chuffed to offer a Mum & Baby Yoga session which integrates little ones into all of the fitness action, allowing mummies to be hands on with their new addition while getting their groove on.

Each session creatively incorporates your child (almost like a prop!) into a safe, gentle but effective fitness routine that develops strength and flexibility as it fosters intimacy and elevates playtime with your baby. To say it’s fun is an understatement so if this sounds like something you’d like to do with your baby, sign up for a class with me now to learn more. 

Be playful.



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