PHASE 1 REOPENING SPECIAL: 20% Off 12-Class Packages in June

The last couple of months in lockdown have been quite challenging especially for those of us who have had to homeschool our kids and tend to our families’ needs 24/7. I know firsthand just how difficult it is to stay motivated and keep to a regular workout schedule when there’s a house to clean, meals to make and activities to think about to keep the children engaged.

Now that the Circuit Breaker period has come to an end however, we gradually ease into regular life despite the many precautions that are still in place. All the struggles notwithstanding, I am hopeful that I can go back to teaching you again soon. 

If community transmission remains low for the next couple of weeks, private yoga lessons can possibly restart before the month is out, as per MOH announcement. Therefore, what better time to plan to get back on track or get ready for the next stage than now?

Of course, I am well aware of the economic strains this COVID-19 pandemic has caused especially to casual workers and freelancers who are amongst the hardest hit. As an independent contractor myself, I know intimately just how grave the situation is. Still, some things must not be neglected especially not our health and well-being. 

Thus, as my way of giving back to the community and to encourage you to start taking better care of yourself, I am offering 20% off all 12-class packages throughout the month of June for everyone. Yes, even if you’ve done classes with me before or are currently holding a package right now, you may still avail of this deal. You can even buy it for a loved one! Use CODE: SELFCARE at checkout to claim your discount. 

I hope that amidst all the craziness, you can - and will, make time for yoga to help you gain clarity and peace of mind and find strength, both mentally and physically, to help you face uncertainties that lie ahead.

Be joyful.





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