To HIIT or to Yoga?

That is the question.

Although on the opposite ends of the fitness spectrum, Yoga and High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT), in fact, complement each other. When combined, not necessarily within the same session, the effects of either practice are amplified and the overall benefits, improved exponentially.

It is a widely accepted concept that opposites attract - sweet and salty, leather and lace, polka dots and stripes - things that on the outset, should not go together but somehow fit perfectly. Add to that list HIIT and Yoga, one being somewhat extreme and unforgiving, the other more calm and laid-back. 

Indeed, HIIT pushes one to the limit, compelling us to go above and beyond what we can usually do - attempting just one or two repetitions above what we think we can handle. As the saying goes, no pain no gain, right? Meanwhile, Yoga asks us to listen to our body, to do only what feels good in the moment. While it is encouraged to go deeper in every pose, it is only to a level of discomfort that is never intolerable nor painful. These two opposing principles combine beautifully into an interesting Yin-Yang dynamic that produces tangible results not only faster but also safer. How, you ask?

Yoga primarily develops muscle tone and flexibility reducing the risk of injury when doing hard physical exercise. Therefore, twisting your ankle while lifting weights for instance, is less likely to sideline you with your muscles more supple and resilient to trauma.

Weight loss, perhaps the main reason why people start a workout regimen, is also augmented. While HIIT obviously promotes muscle building and fat burning, Yoga supports this process by boosting oxygen uptake thereby increasing muscular endurance. Yoga’s strengthening benefits also makes it much easier to power through a gruelling workout session simply because you have bigger and therefore, more robust muscles to work with. 

If you’ve fallen over doing lunges or butt kicks in a functional training class before, you would know that being able to keep your balance does not naturally come for some. A consistent Yoga practice builds balance with its controlled movements and purposeful transitions from one posture to the next, allowing you to concentrate on the tasks at hand rather than wasting time trying not to topple over during your HIIT session. 

Further, Yoga’s mental benefits are well-regarded, and the focus and clarity that you gain from the practice can extend to your HIIT workouts where you can learn to enjoy the seemingly torturous exercises rather than dread them. 

Adding Yoga to your HIIT regimen or vice versa, is therefore, an easy way to heighten the effects of your fitness efforts. Alternating your workout days between these two is the easiest to integrate them into your normal routine. If you must do both on the same day however, HIIT before Yoga is best, as the stress-relieving benefits of Yoga allows the body to regenerate after the strain of a high-intensity workout. Yoga also tends to quiet the mind which is not the mental space you would like to be in prior to a HIIT practice which requires a go for broke attitude. If time is an issue however, HIIT Yoga hybrids are now gaining traction in fitness circles everywhere so if you think this is something you’d like to try, sign up now for a class with me and let’s work something out!

Be adventurous.



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