Tough Start to the Week?

De-stress with me.

After a long lockdown, slowly easing back into normal life is quite a bit daunting considering none of us are entirely sure what our new normal will be like exactly. When we feel overwhelmed or agitated, it is hard to focus and get anything done. It helps to pause and turn our attention inwards.

While yoga has a calming effect in general, certain postures are better than others for achieving a sense of tranquility.

Wide legged forward fold in particular helps balance the sacral chakra which when overstimulated, can contribute to fluctuating and excessive emotional energy. It gently opens up the hips which stress tightens up immensely overtime.

Sign up for a class with me to learn more. Get in touch now to help you prepare to care for yourself better when we move into Phase 2 of reopening our society. For the meanwhile...

Be calm.



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